Tristero |
Saturday, June 19, 2004Times Fact Checks F 911. It's Factual.Let's hope so. I'm not a giant MM fan, but if this movie tells the truth about the Bush administration and doesn't make any mistakes or reach too far into conspiracy-land, he will have done the world a great service:After a year spent covering the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, I was recently allowed to attend a Hollywood screening. Based on that single viewing, and after separating out what is clearly presented as Mr. Moore's opinion from what is stated as fact, it seems safe to say that central assertions of fact in "Fahrenheit 9/11" are supported by the public record (indeed, many of them will be familiar to those who have closely followed Mr. Bush's political career). Letter To The TimesTo The Editor,There is a major factual error In your editorial today, Show Us the Proof (editorial, June 19 ). You write: "Mr. Bush said the 9/11 panel had actually confirmed his contention that there were 'ties' between Iraq and Al Qaeda. He said his administration had never connected Saddam Hussein to 9/11. Both statements are wrong."The last sentence is wildly inaccurate. It should read, "Both statements are lies." Please issue a correction as soon as possible. Yours, Tristero Friday, June 18, 2004Going The Wrong Way, FolksPoll suggests Bush support has grown Apparently, there was a Reagan funeral bounce.Anne Applebaum On TortureMore eloquent writing on the torture scandal:To understand the magnitude of what may have gone on in America's secret prisons, you don't need special security clearance or inside information. Anyone who wants to connect the dots can do it. To see what I mean, review the content of a few items now easily found on the Internet... Juneteenth' "You'd think the end of slavery would be a holiday for all Americans," ' said Wade Woods, a member of the committee for Juneteenth in San Francisco..."Exactly. If you don't know what Juneteenth is, read all about it. Can't think of a better idea for a national holiday. Thursday, June 17, 2004The New York Times: Bizarro World EditionMan oh man, the New York Times has truly outdone itself. It seems the editorial staff has decided to go out on a real limb and opine that Bush may have been...dishonest about the war rationale . No, he's not a liar. Just, you know...dishonest:Of all the ways Mr. Bush persuaded Americans to back the invasion of Iraq last year, the most plainly dishonest was his effort to link his war of choice with the battle against terrorists worldwide.No shit, Sherlock. And what does the Times suggest? Now that countless thousands of Iraqis have died, well over 800 Americans too, and terrorism has increased mightily? Read it and weep, my friends: President Bush should apologize to the American people...Wow! That'll really humble him. Wonder what Bush should say? Like on national TV? How about something like this, Mr. Keller? GENERIC AVUNCULAR VOICEOVER: "Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States." THE PRESIDENT: "Good evening, fellow Americans. My bad. Gotta go now. Bye." GENERIC AVUNCULAR VOICEOVER: "Ladies and gentleman, that was the President of the United States." Wednesday, June 16, 2004Pipes Pipes Up. Told To Pipe Down. Everyone Feels Good.I don't have much of an opinion on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict other than this: there have been enough atrocities committed on all sides for everyone to feel ashamed of themselves. All sides are convinced they are morally beyond reproach and all are prepared to retaliate via murder for an earlier murder. At the rate they're going, it still may take a while, but sooner rather than later, everyone in Israel/Palestine (excuse me, Palestine/Israel) will be dead. As the saying goes, when you're practicing "an eye for an eye," the whole world will go blind.Recently, an article in the East Bay Express, about a recent contretemps on the UC Berkeley campus, drove this point home again. It's a long article regarding many incidents and refreshingly, only slightly biased to one side. It focuses to great extent on the occasion of a lecture by Daniel Pipes on campus and the furor that surrounded it. Now Danny Pipes is a real piece of work. To quote the article Danny "writes a steady stream of articles with intentionally provocative headlines such as 'When Osama Bin Laden Becomes PC' and 'The Muslims Are Coming! The Muslims Are Coming!' " Now a headline's a headline but alas, these titles are all too indicative of the caliber of intellectual argument Danny musters in defense of his position. They also provides prima facie evidence of the sheer obnoxious arrogance of the man. I could go on, and maybe someday I'll provide link after link after link to examples of his total lack of scholarly weight and total lack of consideration for others, but right now, it's a sickening prospect to think about reading a lot of him again. But to give you an idea, here's a little nugget illustrative of his scholarly acumen culled from the East Bay Express article: "The politicization of this university began forty years ago, and what has emerged at Berkeley is a working relationship between the leftists and the Islamists," he continued. "The left has been looking for a revolutionary movement for quite some time. So here come these people and they're actually doing it." Pipes was careful to remind his listener that the revolution in question entails "the blowing up of buildings."This is sheer idiocy. Many people who say they are on the left are, indeed, rabidly pro-Palestinian. (And many on the left are, in fact, rabidly pro-Israel.) But pro-Palestinian lefties are emphatically not Islamists, let alone radical Islamists. To conflate support for Palestinians with support for Islamism and then to conflate support for Islamism for support of radical Islamism is so profoundly ignorant as to be worrisome. Indeed, it was precisely this stupid mistake that led to the belief that al Qaeda and Saddam were in cahoots, and we know what that led to. Here's Danny again, making that very same and entirely wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong conflation: "The same people who support militant Islam [sic]," Pipes ventured in a butter-cookie voice whose softness seemed a calculated counterpoint to its message, "support suicide bombers and Saddam Hussein."In short, Danny has no business being invited anywhere to speak publicly by any group seriously interested in an intelligent discourse about the Arab/Israeli conflict. And, of course, the more sane members of Berkeley Hillel knew this full well when they invited him to speak. But everyone in Berkeley Hillel, meshuggah or not so, knew what would happen when they invited Danny: feces would sprout wings and fly. And sure enough: ...the largest sign said, "I Want You! to DIE for Israel. Israel sings: 'Onward christian soldiers.'" On the reverse side, in an attempted riff on "Pax Americana," the sign said, "I WANT YOU TO KILL FOR THE AMERA-ISRAELA POX!" Large rakish swastikas replaced the letter "s" in "Israel" on both sides of the sign. The sign-bearer's Uncle Sam hat was emblazoned with another swastika.Meanwhile, those who presumably supported Danny's appearance took the high road when they encountered these sick bastards. NOT: Two male students, like college guys anywhere, eyed a group of young women whose hair was hidden under the hijab, their blue-jeaned legs and excited voices shivery in the cold. "I wonder how all these women who are supporting the Arabs would feel about being clitorecticized," one of the guys murmured to his friend. By that, he meant the practice of clitoridectomy, which is followed in some traditional Islamic cultures.And so it went. Folks were spat upon, cursed, humiliated, shouted down, yadda, yadda, yadda. Danny handed the taunts like an old pro, of course. Hey, that's what they pay him the big bucks for. And everyone eventually left, convinced they had (1) stood up to the slimy commie Islamic assholes and held their intolerant extremism up to the world to see; or (2) they had shown the world beyond a doubt that those hellbound racist Nazi Jews were, um, hellbound racist Nazi Jews. A splendid time was had by all, I'm sure. Hokay. Where to begin? 1. To repeat: Pipes is not a responsible spokesmen. He is an ideologue and a fool. He pretends he wants to encourage a moderate Islam, but since he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, no one really believes him (except for the Bushites, but in this fight, they're not important because no one believes them either). 2. To state the obvious: the anti-Semitism shown by the protestors is way, way, way beyond the pale, veering into the psychotically bigoted. At the end of the article, someone says to the reporter, "As a Muslim, I just want to apologize." Indeed. And now what? The Arab/Israeli conflict is one (tragic and impossible) situation, but surely discussions about it in the US need not descend into a sick farce, right? Exactly right. And often they don't. But that's only when genuine scholars are leading the discourse instead of clowns like Danny. Despite the fact that Islamic studies are - from what I could tell when I had occasion to study translations of the Qu'ran recently - nowhere near as rigorous in the US as studies of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, there are many genuine scholars. Michael Sells comes to mind immediately for one. And therein lies the crux of the matter. Sells, you may recall, achieved a little bit of notoriety post 911 when his magnificent translation of the so-called early Suras of the Qu'ran was assigned to incoming frosh at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The right wing hit the fan: It's an offense to "real" Christians! Why don't they assign the jihadist passages from the Qu'ran that show how evil Islam is? And so on. Where did these morons, who trashed a genuine scholar like Sells, ever get the standing to be listened to by the University, let alone the mainstream media? Ahem. Look at whose in the White House, folks, or whose controlling the Congress. The very same species of right wing nut as the bozos who kvetched about Sells. Yeah, sure, Bush makes noises about "reaching out" to Muslims, but it's his government who (some time after the Sells blow-up) provided an imprimatur to... well, not to Sells, are you kidding? but to... you guessed it! Professor Danny Pipes! He was appointed to the "US Institute For Peace," thereby guaranteeing that said group could have no conceivable positive influence in Palestine/Israel (excuse me, Israel/Palestine). In short, you wanna prevent the sheer awfulness of what happened at Berkeley from happening again? First, remove from power the kinds of people who think Danny's a legitimate voice. And be sure to keep Danny and his ilk from having any kind of influence over American foreign policy (note to rightwingers: by "Danny and his ilk," I'm not talking about Jews, you schmucks! I'm talking about ignorant rightwing ideologues. There's a helluva difference, y'know.). Next, increase funding and provide more attention to legitimate scholars of Islam and the Middle East who will, as a matter of course, rapidly displace Danny's Islamist doppelgangers, the pricks who are presently teaching the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a genuine Jewish text. (Oh yes, indeed: there are some major league slimebags in Islamic Studies right now. But Danny's not the boy to be casting stones at 'em.) After that, I dunno what to do. But hey, that's a pretty good start. Political Hate SpeechFranken is Goebbels, or maybe Moore is Goebbels, well anyway, O'Reilly is sure one of them is:Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda for the Nazi regime and whose very famous quote was, 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.' All right? 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.'Later, on O'Reilly flip flops: he decides Al and Mike may be Leni Riefenstahl instead of Goebbels. Sage Advice From BillmonMosey on over to Whiskey Bar, read this, then clean up all the spilled hooch after you've finished laughing yourself silly.Story From The FutureSent By A Friend:One sunny day in 2005 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The old man said, "Okay" and walked away. The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The man thanked him and, again, just walked away. The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U. S. Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I've told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand?" The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it." The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow." (To make this story come through, be sure to register and then VOTE!) But Why Are Freedom Fries Vegetables?The Reality Stick gets to the bottom of the fries story.A large US food service distributor went Chapter 11 in 2000. All claims were settled except for about $11 million in "coated and battered potato products" which the firm claimed it was not responsible to reimburse as a priority claim as per the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act: As I see it, the bankruptee told five of it's [sic] suppliers that they were S.O.L. for immediate money from the gov't. trust and they'd just have to wait for the bankruptcy court to settle what's which point the FPPI swings into action to lobby the USDA to change the rules so that, in the event of future such cases, the FPPI's members can go to the head of the trough. They won.[UPDATE] The description of the firm's claim in re: PACA, has been more accurately described. It originally read: The Connection Between Al Qaeda And Saddam's IraqBottom line: They talked a few times but never did anything because they didn't like each other:The commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks reported Wednesday that Osama bin Laden met with a top Iraqi official in 1994 but found "no credible evidence" of a link between Iraq and al-Qaida in attacks against the United States.I suppose if Bush tortures the "Bin Laden associates" some more, they'll change their story. One More O'Reilly LIeAbout Eric Alterman:Alterman's Miami-based attorney, Sarah Clasby Engel, sent a demand letter to O'Reilly last week, saying, "We would like to take this opportunity to identify a lie you recently broadcast." On his show in early May, the conservative yakker called Alterman "another Fidel Castro confidant." October Surprise PollWhich dirty trick will happen before the '04 election. Vote your favorite here.Farce Repeated As TragedyWilliam Pfaff gets it exactly. The widespread justification and use of torture is a "ghastly scandal, one of the worst in American history." This is one of the best op-eds I've read on the subject. But here's just a taste of the beginning. I'd quote more excerpts except the cumulative effect is so profound, it's not fair to the author, or to you:People like to quote Karl Marx's comment on the two successive Napoleonic empires, that of Bonaparte himself, and, after 1848, the second empire of his nephew, Napoleon III. Marx said that it was a tragedy repeated as a farce.Let's repeat that last line, because it is the crux of the matter: The question put to lawyers was how the president and the others could commit war crimes and get away with it. We are a long, long way from arguing whether a president lied about a blow job, ladies and gentleman. via Atrios. Tuesday, June 15, 2004Some ModelIraq should look like Afghanistan, sez Bush:President Bush on Tuesday held up progress in Afghanistan as a model for Iraq as he tried to paint the U.S. involvement in the Asian state as a success in his run-up to the November U.S. election... AMA Tells Bush To Shove ItThe issue is Morning After pills:The American Medical Association voiced its support for over-the-counter sales of morning-after birth control, saying the Food and Drug Administration was wrong to reject such sales and urging doctors to write advance prescriptions. Frozen Freedom Fries Are 'Fresh' VeggiesYup, Bush is trying to be Reagan II:Based on a little-noticed change to obscure federal rules, the USDA now defines frozen French fries as "fresh vegetables..." "The Worst Attorney General In History"So says Paul Krugman. But what I'd like to know is what has John Ashcroft done for Krugman that made the Krugster go so easy on him?Monday, June 14, 2004When The Next Big Attack Comes......and there certainly will be a next big attack now that Bush has made us the world's pariah, I predict:The rightwing, in their infinite wisdom will say over and over, "See? Now don't you wish we had really, really tortured them?" And the response is: You fools. no amount of torture would have prevented an attack. And the knowledge that Bush approved torture surely tipped the precarious mental health of numerous disturbed men and women to participate in some kind of psychotic retaliation. In other words, Bush-approved torture will be one of many factors that helps invite future big attacks. Violence begets violence, my friends. Rightwingers: No, you idiots, I don't want anyone to terrorize the US (and I don't want the US to attack or torture anyone, either). I want to prevent more attacks by getting this country to stop making the world so dangerous. And yes, I think Bush's stupidity and incompetence has made the US infinitely more vulnerable than it was on March 18, 2003, the day before we officially invaded Iraq. And yes, Bush literally invited attacks. Remember, "Bring 'em on?" Molly Ivins Is AwesomeWhat Have We Come To?The damage is incalculable. When America puts out its annual report on human rights abuses, we will be a laughingstock. I suggest a special commission headed by Sen. John McCain to dig out everyone responsible, root and branch. If the lawyers don't cooperate, perhaps we should try stripping them, anally raping them and dunking their heads under water until they think they're drowning, and see if that helps.Oh, she is such a masterful writer. By the by, CNN says the official torture report next week will blame, get this, poor training for the torture and to "to focus sharply on failures at the infamous prison." Translated: it's gonna be a whitewash limited to a few bad apples, ignorant, unwashed, uneducated privates. Nonsense. The people who ordered up the tortures are wearing expensive suits, come from the finest schools, and are members of the most exclusive country clubs in the DC area. There Really Is Something About MaryYou remember Mary Walker, right? The hypocritical hypocrite who actually dared to claim she was a Christian? Well, Billmon's been all over her sick, sick career. In this post, we learn Christian Mary helped downplay what Billmon rightly calls an "epidemic" of rape at the Air Force Academy.This is not Christianity. This is perversion. Email Addresses To Support Fahrenheit 911The rightwing loon site very kindly posted the emails of numerous people at movie theater chains to contact to express your opinion of Fahrenheit 911. I have harvested them into a comma-delimited text suitable for a bulk mailing. Simply click here, select all, copy, then paste them into the BCC field of your email. Please be extra polite when expressing your support. It helps not at all to scream at people.Great MoveOn Commercial Re: HalliburtonWatch it here and then, donate here.Hah Hah! Hah!Couldn't happen to a nicer adulterer:Former Rep. Bob Barr cannot bring a $30 million defamation suit against former President Clinton, Democratic political adviser James Carville and publisher Larry Flynt, a federal appeals court ruled Monday. Sanctions Worked In IraqThe July/August issue of Foreign Affairs, which is not yet posted to the net, has an extremely important article by George Lopez and David Cartwright entitled "Containing Iraq: Sanctions Worked." It gives the history of the sanctions regime and makes the point that, in fact, they fully succeeded in disarming and containing Iraq.While the article acknowledges the humanitarian problems with the original sanctions, it claims that in 2001/2002, Colin Powell helped negotiate reforms, so-called "smart" sanctions, which focused more on containing only the military threat of Iraq. As a result, "'smart' sanctions removed the controvesrsial humanitarian issue from the debate, focusing coercive pressure in a way that everyone could agree on." Lopez and Cartwright go on to write, "The adoption of 'smart' sanctions in Iraq was a diplomatic triumph for the Bush administration. It was followed a few months later by Iraq's acceptance of renewed inspections and Security Council approval of a tougher monitoring regime in Resolution 1441...By the fall of 2002, it had constructed the core elements of an effective long-term contaiment system-only to discard this achievement in favor of war." Don't miss it. Like A Caged WHAT, Ms. Wilgoren?Y'know, there's so much of this gratuitous biased trash littered all throuhg the Times and the rest of the mainstream media that you tend to overlook it. But it's insidious, and disgraceful. Jodi Wilgoren:Like a caged hamster, Senator John Kerry is restless on the road. He pokes at the perimeter of the campaign bubble that envelops him, constantly trying to break out for a walk around the block, a restaurant dinner, the latest movie.That's right. Kerry is restless like a "caged hamster." He's not restless like a caged lion. He's not restless like a caged tiger. He's not even restless like a caged gorilla. At least he's not restless like a caged alligator because, well, alligators don't get too restless. At least the last time I checked. No, Ms. Wilgoren. Bad form. Instead, how about leading your article like this: "Like the extreme overachiever that he has been his entire life, Senator John Kerry is restless on the road." Political Hate SpeechFrom the blog set up by a GOP political operative that's masquerading as a grass-roots effort to stop Fahrenheit 911 screenings comes this sleazy bit of trashtalk:We have a right to tell movie theaters we object to their promoting a movie that is nothing more than a political campaign commercial which should be shown at the Democrat National Convention or as an Al Qaeda training video before it's shown at our local cinema.Get it? DNC=Al Qaeda. Y 'know, now that I think about it, has anyone seen bin Laden and Kerry in the same room at the same time??? They are about the same height, y'know. Cheney Lied. What A Surprise!Y'know, I have to say that the spectacle created by the implosion of the Bush administration has reached the level of performance art. Not quite at the Karen Finley level, to be sure, but still pretty good.Here's the latest: In the fall of 2002, in the preparations for possible war with Iraq, the Pentagon sought and received the assent of senior Bush administration officials, including the vice president's chief of staff, before hiring the Halliburton Company to develop secret plans for restoring Iraq's oil facilities, Pentagon officials have told Congressional investigators.A nice collection of Halliburton-related links can be found here. Connecting The Dots, Faith-Based StyleThe New York Times reminds us of a bizare amendment to an important, albeit pork-laced, bill:And now, just as House action is approaching, Republican leaders have added an outrageous sop for political-minded church leaders.'Friendly congregations" is a gross understatement. Bush shamelessly, and shamefully, lobbied the Pope Himself to help get him elected, saying "Not all the American bishops are with me" on issues like gay marriage and abortion. "With me." "With me." A rather remarkable way to phrase it. As in "with me, or with the terrorists." A Peace President, My PatootieFool me once:Indeed, the President is privately telling aides that after leading the nation to war in his first term, he wants to spend his next four years being 'a peace President. Thomas Powers: "A Catastrophe Beyond Belief"Interview with Thomas Powers, intelligence expert and author of Intelligence Wars: American Secret History from Hitler to Al-Qaeda:"It's a catastrophe beyond belief. Going into Afghanistan was inevitable, and in my opinion the right thing to do. But everything since then has been a horrible mistake," Powers says. "The CIA is politicized to an extreme. It's under the control of the White House. Tenet is leaving in the middle of an unresolved political crisis -- what really amounts to a constitutional crisis."Read the whole interview. Here's his theory of what happened to Chalabi: It's astonishing that things would get to such a level, where the CIA actually oversaw a team of people who broke into Chalabi's headquarters -- which was paid for by the Pentagon -- and ransacked the place and carried away his computers. Who do you think bought those computers? Those are your American tax dollars at work. When Will Bin Laden Be Killed/Captured?There's been a lot of intense fighting on the Afghan/Pakistan border these days and a major Qaeda cell was captured thanks to a dumb-as-a-post security blunder by one of the members. It sounds, frankly, like there's more fighting going on than there was in the fall of 2001, like they're concentrating on eliminating Al Qaeda once and for all.Concentrating on eliminating terrorists! What a concept! Anyway, this begs the question: When will Osama bite the dust? I'm betting we'll receive word of Osama's fate during the Democratic Convention, perhaps even when Kerry is delivering his acceptance speech. Of course, that would be a mere coincidence if it happened, no connection whatsoever. Notice to rightwing loons: Heavy sarcasm and baseless speculation at work above. To Win Arguments, Go To Winning ArgumentJudd Legum of Center for American Progress has a groovy new blog called Winning Argument. Check it out.Southern Baptists WatchNot a good thing:A dispute between the Southern Baptist Convention and a global Baptist group may result in a split this week.In addition to splitting themselves off from other Baptists around the world, they also want to avoid dealing with fellow Americans who disagree with them: Another issue that may surface this week involves a call for Baptists to boycott United States public schools. A resolution circulated before the meeting says children in public schools are taught that "God is irrelevant" and that a homosexual lifestyle is acceptable. It suggests that home schooling or private religious schools are proper alternatives.This is in no one's interests, neither the Southern Baptists' themselves, nor our country as a whole. Democratic National ConventionIf you are looking for the site of the Democratic National Convention, you can find the Democratic National Convention site at either of the links above. Apparently, the Democratic National Convention site has been the target of some google-bombing, so in order to help ensure that the Democratic National Convention is not displaced, I am posting this repeated link to the Democratic National Convention. If you have a blog or website, you too can post many links to the Democratic National Convention. What fun.August, 2002 DOJ Torture Memo Now AvailableVia TalkLeft comes word that the memo Ashcroft refused to release to Congress can be found here. I haven't read it yet, but will post excerpts if there's anything of particular interest.[UPDATE] Excellent analysis of this memo and its role in things here. Note that one of the signers of this memo, Jay Bybee is now a sitting judge on the Ninth Circuit. Hat tip to Atrios. Torture 'Em Globally, Beat 'Em Up LocallyDave Neiwert on the increasing violence from the right. He focuses on an incident in San Francisco, where a gallery owner was punched out, but here's a little taste of what we can expect when Michael Moore's new movie opens:This is how it happens on the small, mostly unnoticed level -- what Ann Coulter affectionately calls a little "local fascism."Go to Dave's site to get the links for this excerpt. [UPDATE:] Here, courtesy is the information regarding who is behind the anti-Farenheit 911 film. Russo Marsh & Rogers is a GOP consulting firm. After they were outed, the WHOIS was changed to eliminate reference to the firm. Registrant: Russo Marsh & Rogers 770 L Street, #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 US Domain name: MOVEAMERICAFORWARD.COM Administrative Contact: Lorenz, Douglas 770 L Street, #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 US 916-441-3734 Fax: 916-441-6057 Technical Contact: Lorenz, Douglas 770 L Street, #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 US 916-441-3734 Fax: 916-441-6057 [UPDATE] Hah, hah. They're pretty inept at hiding their tracks, if that was their intention. When they changed the name on the WHOIS, they included the name of a prominent Republican, one Howard Kaloogian, who was a candidate for Senator from California and one of the folks behind the effort to shut down the CBS Reagan biopic. Thanks to Metafilter for the heads up. Abu Ghraib Torture Reported In November, 20032 months earlier than previously asserted and there were allegations of torture in other prisons besides Abu Ghraib:Beginning in November, a small unit of interrogators at Abu Ghraib prison began reporting allegations of prisoner abuse, including the beatings of five blindfolded Iraqi generals, in internal documents sent to senior officers, according to interviews with military personnel who worked in the prison. Sunday, June 13, 2004The Road To Abu GhraibThis is a Human Rights Watch report, current as of June 9, 2004. Go read it....the only exceptional aspect of the abuse at Abu Ghraib may have been that it was photographed. Detainees in U.S. custody in Afghanistan have testified that they experienced treatment similar to what happened in Abu Ghraib -- from beatings to prolonged sleep and sensory deprivation to being held naked -- as early as 2002. Comparable -- and, indeed, more extreme -- cases of torture and inhuman treatment have been extensively documented by the International Committee of the Red Cross and by journalists at numerous locations in Iraq outside Abu Ghraib.And folks, that's just the introduction. Here's a footnote from another section: Gherebi v. Bush 9th Circuit, Dec. 18, 2003. The United States asserts the power “to do with [them] as it will, when it pleases, without any compliance with any rule of law of any kind, without permitting [them] to consult counsel, and without acknowledging any judicial forum in which its actions may be challenged. … Indeed, at oral argument, the government advised us that its position would be the same even if the claims were that it was engaging in acts of torture or that it was summarily executing the detainees. To our knowledge, prior to the current detention of prisoners at Guantánamo, the U.S. government has never before asserted such a grave and startling proposition. …a position so extreme that it raises the gravest concerns under both American and international law.”And here's what happened when the Red Cross tried to protest, before some -and I stress the word "some"- of the shameful pictures were made public: In May 2003, the ICRC sent a memorandum based on over 200 allegations of ill-treatment of prisoners of war during capture and interrogation at collecting points, battle group stations and temporary holding areas. That same month, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello raised concerns about the treatment of detainees with the Coalition Administrator, Ambassador Paul Bremer. In early July 2003, the ICRC presented a paper detailing approximately 50 allegations of ill-treatment in the military intelligence section of Camp Cropper, at Baghdad International Airport.And here's a little taste of their report on Iraq: ven though his title appears on the document, which also carried the logo of Combined Joint Task Force-7, the U.S.-led coalition force in Iraq, General Sanchez denies having seen or approved the rules of engagement posted at Abu Ghraib (although he acknowledged that in twenty-five separate instances, he approved holding Iraqi prisoners in isolation for longer than thirty days, one of the methods listed in the posted rules). Keith B. Alexander, the head of the Army intelligence, however, said that they were the approved policy for interrogations of detainees in Iraq.97Are we outraged yet, folks? If not, what could it possibly take? "We Can't Get Away With That Now."Oh? And when could you get away with that, General?A State Department report that incorrectly showed a decline last year in terrorism worldwide was a ``big mistake,'' Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday...I believe him. Really, I do. Absolutely, he's coming clean. No question about it. I mean it. Seriously. Sanchez Ordered Prisoner Hidden from Red CrossFrom US News and World Report via TalkLeft:The top U.S. commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, issued a classified order last November directing military guards to hide a prisoner, later dubbed "Triple X" by soldiers, from Red Cross inspectors and keep his name off official rosters. The disclosure, by military sources, is the first indication that Sanchez was directly involved in efforts to hide prisoners from the Red Cross, a practice that was sharply criticized by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba in a report describing abuses of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad.How much more information is needed, for heaven's sake, for this country to get outraged? Torture Link DumpSisyphus Shrugged has a post that links to the major issues in the torture story. I'm posting it here because, as this story unfolds, it will become more and more valuable as a reference. Special thanks to Digby for pointing it out.Amy Sullivan Is Exactly RightAnd she includes a link to one of the greatest Jon Stewart segments ever, now in a more common format. "Willfully ignorant" isn't the half of it:I chuckled a few times while watching this Daily Show segment on Ashcroft's testimony today before the Senate Judiciary Committee -- during which he flat-out refused to give the senators his memos to the president regarding the use of torture -- but even Jon Stewart couldn't make me feel anything other than utterly depressed. The forty-five percent of Americans who steadfastly plan to vote for Bush in November have to be willfully ignorant. There's no other explanation for why they continue to support the man and the administration in the face of endless violations of democratic principles and ideals. The Reason Why Church And State Are Separated In The ConstitutionBeyond belief:On his recent trip to Rome, President Bush asked a top Vatican official to push American bishops to speak out more about political issues, including same-sex marriage, according to a report in the National Catholic Reporter, an independent newspaper. 26 Ex-Officials Say Bush Has Got To GoOnly 26???:A group of 26 former senior diplomats and military officials, several appointed to key positions by Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, plans to issue a joint statement this week arguing that President George W. Bush has damaged America's national security and should be defeated in November. Why Torture's A Stupid IdeaA letter in The New York TimesVisiting Germany in 1963, my friends and I were eating at a restaurant in Munich when a group of Germans approached to ask if we were Americans. When we acknowledged that we were, they insisted on paying for our dinners because, they said, they had been German war prisoners in American custody and, unlike the Soviet captors, the American soldiers had treated them so well that they wanted to express their gratitude in this gesture.George W. Bush - the man who made torture an official, legal American institution. |