Tristero |
Saturday, June 26, 2004GOP Buzzword Alert: "Surrogates"Hey, guess what? The word "surrogates" is the new "black" for Rebublicans! You'll find it all over the place, eg here to explain why the GOP has added Hitler to the list of folks who are in ads approved by the president:"We're using the video from to show our supporters the type of vitriolic rhetoric being used by the president's opponents and John Kerry's surrogates," said Scott Stanzel, a spokesman for the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign.But such a big, rather exotic (to Republicans) word. Why not just use "substitute?" My theory: it's the way the word sounds. The first part rhymes with a synonym for "smear" or a suspension of liquid waste, as in "slur" and "slurry" ("Kerry"!) and the last part sounds like "guts." Slurry-guts. Disgusting. Eeeeuw! (Random thoughts on "surrogate." "Surrogates" is a little smutty, as in "sex surrogate." Shades of The Clenis!!! Hey! Does this mean we get to call David Duke a Bush surrogate?) Quote Of The Day"George Bush never should have come here and it's not a moment too soon that he leaves."Richard Boyd Barrett, leader of Irish Anti-War Runner-up from the same article: Carol Fox, an American living in Dublin: "We came to demonstrate to show that the people here aren't anti-American...We're all anti-George Bush. Everything I ever learned in school about human rights has been contravened by this man.'' Oh, and while we're at it, here's the incident tout blogosphere is yakking about: Interrupt President Bush one too many times and he won't let you talk to his wife. Open Letter To Dick CheneyDear Dick,Fuck you, too. Yours, Tristero (There. I feel much, much better.) Most. Bizarre. Lottery. EverDigby's got the goods. Jeebus, is nothing sacred to these people?Friday, June 25, 2004It's Clinton's Fault, Says The Messiah's NewspaperMoon's Washington Times:The Clinton administration talked about firm evidence linking Saddam Hussein's regime to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network years before President Bush made the same statements.So what? The last time I checked, President Clinton is not the president today (unfortunately). I thought these were the grownups who knew better than the Clinton children. Bush Administration Thinks Model Rockets Are Terrorist-Grade WeaponsSigh. Once more, ignorance and stupidity triumph over intelligence. There are few hobbies more fun for smart kids (and their parents) than rocketry. It has a stellar safety record and it has the potential to teach numerous skills from building to the application of advanced mathematics and physics concepts.The high end of the hobby is truly inhabited by awesomely brilliant people who launch large rockets capable of reaching 45,000 feet. The supplies required to launch at this level are heavily regulated by highly knowledgeable peers. Furthermore, there is no public evidence that even large model rockets could be used successfully as weapons, as they lack guidance systems. That doesn't stop the Justice Department, in its manifest ignorance of all things scientific, from trying to ban the high end and intimidate everyone else involved at the more common 1000 ft high flight levels. And what a pity. Rocketry has served as the entree into engineering and science careers by generations of American kids. It should be a requirement, I think, in all middle/high school science programs. Wired has a decent roundup of the issues. More can be found at the National Association of Rocketry website. In the scheme of things, the pressure Bush is putting on Americans to give up rocketry is not a great concern. But it illustrates the stupidity of the people in this administration, and their superstitious ignorance of genuine science. The loss of such hobbies and outlets for smart kids will have an incremental loss on science studies and careers as a whole; it could very well weaken the US in an area in which it has been proudly pre-eminent for decades. MindblowerTry to wrap your brain around this one. It truly boggles my mind. But it is very true. The Bush administration is making public service announcements ridiculing the idea that cars can be made more environmentally friendly. Here's the skinny:A new series of whimsical public service announcements from the Environmental Protection Agency are lampooning the notion that cars can be made more energy efficient while the ads encourage conservation at home...[Administration pro forma denial stating that the spots are not intended to ridicule car conservation removed because, well, read on.]And here's the plot of the spott: In a 60-second version of the public service announcement, a woman named Suzanne says she is concerned about pollution and global warming, but laments the homegrown efforts of her husband, Mark, to cut emissions from the family car. Mark - nerdy, pudgy, harried - is shown rigging up their car, first with a sail, then a microwave contraption using huge satellite dishes, and finally a helium tank with a bulbous hose.Needless to say, this view is nonsense and, like all Bush lies, they can claim they're not really lying because, well... ndeed, as the E.P.A. says, energy use at home can cause twice the emissions of a single car. But most families have more than one car and emit roughly the same amount of global warming gases in their vehicles as in their homes, said David Friedman, senior policy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, an environmental research and advocacy group.Has a PSA ever been produced with your tax dollars that has ever been so filled with lies? Well, given the Bushies' track record, I'd have to say yes, but this may serve as a low benchmark nevertheless. My God, please forgive them for they know not what they do or say. Thursday, June 24, 2004Quote Of The Day"Why have a Constitution at all if the president can unilaterally decide who to torture, when to torture and why to torture?"Michael Glennon, Professor of International Law, Tufts University. By the way, read the whole article. Turns lots of legal experts and human rights groups ain't buying Bush's denials that he authorized torture. Of course he did. Gore On Al Qaeda/Saddam/BushGore rips Bush on al Qaeda-Saddam link:"Beginning very soon after the attacks of 9/11, President Bush made a decision to start mentioning Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the same breath in a cynical mantra designed to fuse them together as one in the public's mind," Gore said.At this point in the article, there's the obligatory insert of a quote from the other side. And what did the GOP serve up? Not a lie, and of course not a word in response to Gore's assertions. No, they issed a fucking baldfaced lie on top of another one: "Al Gore's history of denial of the threat of terrorism [Gore NEVER denied the threat of terrorism] is no less dangerous today in his role as John Kerry's surrogate [Gore speaks for himself, not Ketty] than it was in the 1990s in his role as vice president, a time when Osama Bin Laden was declaring war on the United States five different times," [and a time when the GOP made every effort to deflect attention from Clinton's attempt to detail with bin Laden by pruriently focusing on Clinton's wee-wee. ]RNC Communications Director Jim Dyke said in a written statement.Gore then started to breathe fire: "The administration works closely with a network of rapid-response digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for undermining support for our troops," Gore said. The term "Brown Shirts" refers to Nazi supporters in the 1930s and '40s.Oh, Al, where oh where was this kind of talk in 2000? Do you realize you could have won in a landslide, with or without Florida? Ryan Thinks Of QuittingHe should quit.Beleaguered Senate Republican candidate Jack Ryan is considering quitting the race in the uproar touched off by the release of his divorce records, a Republican source told the Chicago Sun- Times on Thursday...The GOP: home of public sex orgy lovers (Ryan), high-stakes gamblers (Bennett), drug addicts (Limbaugh), adulterers (Gingrich, Hyde), avowed Hitler admirers (Schwarzenegger) and racists (Lott). Think that's an unfair characterization of all Republicans? Well, it is, and I don't believe it; even now, there are still a few decent Republicans. I've even met one. But my little screed is mild milquetoast compared to what Limbaugh, Bennett, Gingrich, Hyde, and Lott and many, many others (like DeLay) have been slinging, and still sling, at Democrats and liberals every hour of the day. Ivins On Computer VotingWhy aren't people screaming for a paper trail?I suppose I've been calmer about the possibility/probability that electronic voting machines can be rigged than some others who are now looking at the bad news because it's an old story to me... Anonymous Gets ItThere's a lot I've heard that I don't like about the views of "Mike," the anoymous CIA official. But these comments of his on CNN are exactly right:In many ways, the primary goal of bin Laden is neither to destroy the United States or destroy our liberties or our freedoms. It's simply to get us out of the Muslim world. And until we come to grips with that, we are going to be defeated regularly by Osama bin Laden, who is a much more patient opponent and a much more powerful opponent than we've yet recognized.In fact, I've been making exactly the same point One of the many things that I've suspected for quite a while is that we are not central to bin Laden's mission, but simply a sideshow to goals he feels are far more important...The so-called "clash of civilisations" is not as important as re-uniting the faithful and "restoring" Islam. "Male Enhancement Pump" Allegedly Used By Oklahoma Judge. While On The Bench.And during a murder trial, no less. Well, whatever floats your boat:While seated on the bench, an Oklahoma judge used a male enhancement pump, shaved and oiled his nether region, and pleasured himself, state officials charged yesterday in a petition to remove the jurist. According to the below complaint filed by the Oklahoma Attorney General, Donald D. Thompson, 57, was caught in the act by a clerk, trial witnesses, and his longtime court reporter (these unsettling first-hand accounts will make you wonder what's going on under other black robes). Visitors to Thompson's Creek County courtroom reported hearing a "swooshing" sound coming from the bench, a noise the court reporter said "sounded like a blood pressure cuff being pumped up." Thompson, the complaint charges, even pumped himself up during an August 2003 murder trial.More at The Smoking Gun whose headline will is number 4 in my list of greatest headlines of all time, just below "Ford to City: Drop Dead," "Headless Body Found In Topless Bar" and the unforgettable Variety masterpiece: "Hix Nix Stix Flix." Election 2004: A Referendum On The DemocratsGo read Digby. I agree with him, especially about this:At this point, the Democrats will have better luck persuading the growing numbers of aghast moderate Republicans to vote with us this time than getting the Nader vote to switch. The aghast moderate Republicans, after all, are people who after seeing the havoc that's been wrought by the boy king are motivated to replace him for the good of the country. The Naderites, apparently, aren't. That's just the way it is. We've gotta go where the votes are.Well put. That said, Nader is not the problem. This set of elections is the Democrats' to lose. If they can't win either a house of Congress or the Presidency this season, I will never vote for a Democrat qua Democrat again as they would be proven to inept to take seriously in national politics again. I will either work for a viable second party or only vote for candidates endorsed by MoveOn or some other sensible group. In short, this election is not a referendum on Bush's leadership. This country knows damn well he's been a total disaster. No, this election is a referendum on the competence and future relevance of the Democratic Party. And they damn well better not blow it. NY Death Penalty Ruled UnconstitutionalAn end to state barbarity here for "some time."New York State's highest court today declared a central provision of the state's nine-year-old death penalty law unconstitutional, assuring that there will be no executions in the state for some time and continuing what has been a tortured legal road for the capital punishment law. Sleazeballs'Fahrenheit 9/11' advertising ban???Michael Moore may be prevented from advertising his controversial new movie, “Fahrenheit 9/11,” on television or radio after July 30 if the Federal Election Commission (FEC) today accepts the legal advice of its general counsel.And then Bossie lies outright: “I don’t think much of Michael Moore or his two-hour political advertisement — that’s all it is,” Bossie said. “He uses all of these words to make it look like he makes documentaries, but it’s the furthest thing from the truth. Documentaries tend to be fact-based.”Show me one assertion in Fahrenheit 9/11 that isn't "fact-based." If there was a flood of anti-Kerry movies in the queue right now, there most certainly would not be these draft rulings from the FEC. Fahrenheit 9/11 ReviewGo see it. Now.Tuesday, June 22, 2004No Al Qaeda/Fedayeen ConnectionYup, one more lie.Newsday:The CIA concluded "a long time ago" that an al-Qaida associate who met with two of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Malaysia was not an officer in Saddam Hussein's army, as alleged Sunday by a Republican member of the 9/11 commission...Liars. Liars. Liars. Monday, June 21, 2004Bush Fed Appeals Court Nominee Practicing Law Without A LicenseHe, uh, forgot to renew it four years ago.This reminded me of something. If Zoe Baird, Kimba Woods, and Linda Chavez had to withdraw from their respective nominations for not paying taxes and/or hiring illegal immigrants, this clown needs to as well. And the Bar association needs to discipline the boy. But not Abu Ghraib style. No one deserves that. Wha?Iran confiscates three British warships. Ain't this a casus belli???Iran confiscated three British warships Monday and arrested eight armed crew members, state-run television reported. Five More Americans killed in IraqFour more in combat, one in an undescribed noncombat situation.Four U.S. service members were killed Monday in an ambush in the Sunni Muslim city of Ramadi, witnesses said. Videotape delivered to Associated Press Television News showed the four, still in uniform, lying dead near what appeared to be a walled compound. Genuine Saddam/al Qaeda Links? Experts say: Not So Fast.Sunday UPI:The commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks has received new information indicating that a senior officer in an elite unit of the security services of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein may have been a member of al-Qaida involved in the planning of the suicide hijackings, panel members said Sunday.Actually, this report has been around for a while. The WSJ recently used it in an editorial. F9/11 Opens Wednesday, June 23 In NYCAnd guess who has tix? Bwahahahahahahahahah!Now if you want to join me y'gotta be in NYC. Go here, click on New York and find a theater in New York, NY. WaPo Editorialists Hit The RoofRecently, Donald Rumsfeld complained about some nasty editorials about the torture scandal. He singled out the Washington Post in particular. Today, in a display of gumption unusual for a mainstream newspaper, the Washington Post told Rumsfeld where to shove it, metaphorically speaking:Dictators who wish to justify torture, and those who would mistreat Americans, have no need to read our editorials: They can download from the Internet the 50-page legal brief issued by Mr. Rumsfeld's chief counsel.The whole editorial is well worth a squint or two. From The You Can't Make This Up DepartmentAnti-choice activists protest UNICEF Halloween Money Drive.Think I'm kidding?"It's a bad idea because UNICEF is involved with organizations that promote abortion," said Judie Brown, president of the [self-styled] American Life League. "It has also become clear to us that they have no desire to change this effort in which they are involved because they... gave an award to Ted Turner, who is one of the leading pro-abortion population control billionaires in the United States."Hat tip to Jeanne d'Arc. Atta In Prague Or Not? UpdateA few days ago, The New York Times reported this:A report of a clandestine meeting in Prague between Mohammed Atta and an Iraqi intelligence officer first surfaced shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks. And even though serious doubt was cast on the report, it was repeatedly cited by some Bush administration officials and others as evidence of a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq.As the incomparable Bob Somerby points out, it is something of a judgment call as to whether this evidence proves much of anything. There's no proof that Atta was the person actually using his cell phone on April 9. But then again, there's very, very little reason to assume he wasn't. Occam's Razor may not be totally apropos in concluding that Atta was definitely not in Prague on the basis of this evidence, but to me it seems less and less likely that he was there. Amy Tan And Scott Turow On John Kerry And George BushVia a good friend who is also a friend of Amy Tan, this correspondence arrived in my inbox yesterday:Dear Friends: If you are receiving this and are an ardent Bush supporter, I apologize. Please ignore the rest of this email. We both know I won't change your mind, and you won't change mine. However, if you feel we may need a different President for the next four years, I hope you will find the following useful. Like many of you, my stance on the elections has been basically "anyone but Bush." When John Kerry evolved as the Democratic candidate for President, he became my choice as well. I found, however, I was not as passionate about Kerry as I was passionate about simply getting rid of Bush. Yet I wanted to be a strong Kerry supporter. I wanted to know why I would choose Kerry beyond partisan politics, why we needed someone exactly like him given the fact that our country has never before suffered such a rapid loss in our civil rights, the environment, our educational systems, employment, health care, our economic health, our standing in the world, our ability to deal with terrorism without it escalating into a worse situation--in essence, the now fragile underpinnings of our future, in which any one of those troublesome situations could undo us, let alone a multitude of them. So what makes John Kerry particularly well-suited for the Presidency and these times? I asked a friend who might know better than I. Scott Turow, consummate writer, Chicago lawyer, a smart guy, a sensible man with a conscience, who stays up to date with the issues that face our country. Scott emailed me a quick response. And it was so articulate and concise, so well informed and true, that I wanted to share it with my friends. I have reprinted it below, I encourage you to send it to your friends and family, and encourage them to send it to their friends. I especially hope you will send it those who are undecided or have not yet bothered to register. Please also consider making a special effort to reach people in "battleground" states, for example, the Midwest, Colorado, and Florida, and find the biggest issue that affect them personally, be it health care, education, stem cell research, or the security of our nation. Be able to articulate specifically why Kerry addresses their best interests. Herewith some remarks you can say about the overall qualifications of John Kerry.... Scott Turow’s remarks on John Kerry and why he is the right person to be President: I could say the following without blushing: He is running against a man who was not fit for duty in 1968 and is not fit for duty today, a man who lacked the qualifications for the office when he was elected and has demonstrated it. We have been through a skein of national disasters, for which he accepts no blame, because he literally doesn’t understand enough about the job to realize how a better President would have responded. John Kerry has been in public life for 35 years.. He was a prosecutor when GWB was running an oil company into the ground. And he was already a seasoned United States Senator when GWB decided it was time to give up abusing substances. JK has a sharper grasp of foreign policy, and more experience with it, than any candidate for President in the last 50 years, with the possible exception of GHWB (see today’s NYT). His dedication to the cause of our military and veterans is long established. And his commitment to economic and social justice for all Americans cannot be doubted. A man can’t be the committed liberal Bush sometimes maintains Kerry is, and also the unprincipled waffler. Life and public service are complicated, as GWB doesn’t understand. JK does. He has a sense of nuance, and the experience and values to improve the life of the country. _______________ Please feel free to circulate this letter to whomever you wish to reach. Let's help reach the 10% of undecided voters. Thanks, Amy Tan [UPDATE] Digby reminds us of a post in which he gives some more reasons why Kerry would make a great president. Sunday, June 20, 2004Frisco Street Art![]() Go to TalkLeft for the story. If Experts Disagree With You, Lie About What The Experts Say.There they go again.Republican operatives, when confronted with a seemingly credible source highly critical of their behavior, simply lied about the source said. First, the latest example: First of all, Bush and his administration are lying when they assert anything that so much as suggests a relationship between al Qaeda and Saddam. Secondly, Bush and his administration are lying when they assert anything that so much as suggests that the 9/11 report agrees with them. Courtesy Billmon, here is what the 9/11 commission says: Bin Ladin also explored possible cooperation with Iraq during his time in Sudan, despite his opposition to Hussein's secular regime. Bin Ladin had in fact at one time sponsored anti-Saddam Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan. The Sudanese, to protect their own ties with Iraq, reportedly persuaded Bin Ladin to cease this support and arranged for contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda.End of story. For whatever reason or reasons, Saddam's thugs and bin Laden's thugs apparently hated each. All attempts to get them to work together failed, according to the best available public evidence. To suggest otherwise is to parse words in order to lie. Here's an earlier example of the same sleazy lie tactic. A Diebold spokesman lied about the conclusion reached by a group critical of its voting machine technology. From the New York Times, November 3, 2003: Mr. Bear of Diebold said the election security and the virtual walls around his company’s computer network are different; “You’re looking at apples and oranges,” he said. Of the security breach, he said, “We acknowledge that was unfortunate that that occurred.” But the “security and sanctity of the election process,” he said, has been proved by the Science Applications International Corporation report.In fact, the SAIC report concluded just the opposite. In the NY Times on September 25, 2003, which reported on the SAIC report, the lead paragraph was: Electronic voting machine technology used nationwide is "at high risk of compromise" because of software flaws that could make them vulnerable to computer hackers and voting fraud, according to a review released yesterday. The report also said, though, that proper safeguards could help to mitigate the risk. |