Tristero |
Saturday, July 03, 2004HiatusBack July 10. Have a groovy 4th.Pop QuizConsider the following:It's September 15, 2001, a few days after the worst attack on American soil since the Civil War. CBS News breaks the story that the White House approved flights out of the country for members of the bin Laden family, accompanied by Saudi royals. Already one flight has left. Hours later CNN airs an exclusive: it's a videotape from a Florida classroom. We see a White House aide come up to the President and whisper into his ear that the US is under attack. The President, looking terrified, does nothing. He continues reading "My Pet Goat" to the children for 7 minutes. Okay. Got the scene in your heads? Now, some questions: How many days would pass after these reports were aired before President Al Gore would be forced to resign? How many Congresspeople from both parties would push for the immediate indictment and arrest of President Gore for criminal negligence? Is there any doubt in your mind that, if Gore were President on 9/11, these stories would have been dug up and aired within days of the attacks? Do you believe that, if Gore were President on 9/11, he would have acted the way Bush did? Do you believe President Gore would have kept reading to those kids or approved the evacuation of the bin Ladens from the US? One More False ReportOut of a sense of fairness and balance, I was gonna link yesterday to an article about the discovery of sarin rockets in Iraq. Having read too many wmd reports that turned out to be bogus, I ignored it. Well, Lo and behold:Contrary to preliminary reports, 16 rocket warheads found last week in south-central Iraq by Polish troops did not contain deadly chemicals, a coalition spokesman said yesterday.Those June 16 munitions were touted by the war freaks as proof, by the way, that Saddam had wmd but we hadn't yet found the motherlode. Friday, July 02, 2004Bush Has The Biggest Brain On the PlanetThink I'm kidding? Check this genuine scientific research on the concept of Machiavellian Intelligence:Monkeys and apes who are good at deceiving their peers also have the biggest brains relative to their body size. The finding backs the "Machiavellian intelligence" theory, which suggests the benefits of complex social skills fuelled the evolution of large primate brains...Note to rightwingers: As you folks are satirically challenged, perhaps I should tell you that I really don't think Bush has the biggest brain on the planet. Far from it, actually. So for the record: The article is real, but I was just kidding. You Can Also See Kirsten Dunst's Naked Ankles!Here's the end of the NY Times review of Spider-Man 2:"Spider-Man 2" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). It has some brutally violent scenes, and kissing. Oh, Those Veddy Polite BritishIt looks like they've been pushed a bit too far:There is no way to sugarcoat one fact of political life: Except for those who are very close to Blair and feel constrained to defend his choice of friends, George Bush is scorned here. His poll ratings are low, and much of the public seems to accept the caricature of him as an impulsive gunslinger. At a luncheon of nine or 10 conservative writers, politicians and strategists at the Centre for Policy Studies, a think tank that became influential in Margaret Thatcher's day, the descriptions of Bush began with "recklessly incompetent" and went downhill from there.via The Gadflyer If A Sperm Is WastedGod gets quite irate:Bush also appointed three antiabortion doctors to the FDA Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee: W. David Hager, MD, Susan Crockett, MD, and Stanford. When their committee and the FDA's Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee met jointly last December, the group voted 23 to 4 in favor of giving over-the-counter status to emergency contraceptives. Dissenters included Hager, Crockett, and Stanford. In May, the FDA decided not to grant the drug OTC status.And in her post, Jeanne has a great idea, which is to make it clear that pro-choice advocates support access to any form of contraception proven efficacious and safe as well as abortion. To Be Abandoned For A Martian PipedreamHubble discovers 100 new planets:The Hubble Space Telescope may have discovered as many as 100 new planets orbiting stars in our galaxy...Translated: NASA's gonna wait to see what happens in November. 2119 Eligible Voters Found (So Far) On Florida Felons ListMany are -surprise, surprise- Democrats, and black:A Florida Division of Elections database lists more than 47,000 people the department said may be ineligible to vote because of felony records. The state is directing local elections offices to check the list and scrub felons from voter rolls. VP Shortlist #1Molly IvinsCarol Mosely-Braun Ron Kovic Bruce Springsteen Steve Jobs Gail Zappa (All are more plausible candidates than Drudge's.) Krugman On MooreThe most interesting part of Krugman's review of F 9/11 is what it reveals about Krugman himself. He's hardly a lefty:Someday, when the crisis of American democracy is over, I'll probably find myself berating Mr. Moore, who supported Ralph Nader in 2000, for his simplistic antiglobalization views.And that's just one example. Which gives you some sense of how far to the right Bush is in order for a man like Krugman to be pushed to the wall over his policies. Thursday, July 01, 2004Death on the Fourth of JulyDave Neiwert's new book is out and it looks great:On July 4, 2000, three young Asian American men visiting the small town of Ocean Shores, Washington, were attacked by a group of skinheads in the parking lot of a Texaco station. Threats and slurs gave way to violence and, ultimately, a fatal stabbing. But this tragedy culminated with a twist. A young white man, flaunting a Confederate flag just moments before, was slain by one of his would-be victims. In the ensuing murder trial, a harsh lesson on what it really means to be an American unfolded, exposing the layers of distrust between minorities and whites in rural America and revealing the dirty little secret that haunts many small towns: hate crime. More On Dick At The House That Ruth BuiltA friend writes in:From the New York Times, 6/30/04, D3: Cheney Pays Visit to Stadium "During the singing of 'God Bless America' in the seventh innning, an image of Cheney was shown on the scoreboard. It was greeted with booing, so the Yankees quickly removed the image." What the Times left out--and what we heard from two different people who attended the game--was that the booing, jeers and catcalls were so loud and so widespread that the Secret Service hustled the Vice President out of the stadium immediately, fearing for his safety. What's your personal experience with the Geneva Conventions, Max Boot?Earlier today, I discussed Max "Clueless" Boot's ignorance of the mission of ACLU. Boot's rambling op-ed also typed:...North Vietnamese guards freely tortured captured fliers to force them to make public statements denouncing their country. Accounts of what John McCain, James Stockdale and other heroes went through in the "Hanoi Hilton" still make for harrowing reading... Via Daily War News comes a welcome corrective to Boot's clucking guano from someone who truly knows why the Geneva Convention rules are never quaint: During my military career, I was constantly drilled on the provisions of the Geneva Conventions. I have been extremely proud that the United States has led the world in upholding treaties governing the status and care of enemy prisoners.The author? Ambassador Douglas "Pete" Peterson served 26 years in the U.S. Air Force as a fighter pilot and commander. He is a distinguished combat veteran of the Vietnam War and was incarcerated as a POW for more than six years. He served as America's first postwar ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives from North Florida's Second Congressional District. Pandagon On TargetPolitical Attacks in Three Easy Steps. Go read it. It's perfect.Courtesy Digby. Open Letter To Richard CohenMr. Cohen,You don't like Moore's movie? That's nice. Now, can we get back to something important, like making sure that the next time Bush lies through his teeth and tries to pull a stunt as flat out stupid as the Iraq war, the media examine all sides of the issue and don't give him and his cronies a free ride? The Bush/Iraq war is one the worst foreign policy disasters in US history (if not the single worst). There were plenty of qualified, responsible people who were saying it would be before the war, scholars from the Carnegie Endownment for example. They were either ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media which was enthusiastically signing up to get embedded with the troops so they could see the fireworks go off real close. And still, to this day, the one group of people who were right about the war all along, those who tried to stop it, are all but invisible in the public discourse.. With the exception of Moore, an entertainer first, a political voice second. If 1/10th of the attention the media devoted to Moore's film had been devoted to listening and discussing Minxin Pei's scholarship or Jessica Tuchman Matthews' proposals for coerced inspections before the war, Moore would have had no movie. More importantly, more than 800 American soldiers and thousands of Iraqis might still be alive rather than having their deaths blamed on American arrogance and stupidity. Yours, Tristero (PS Yes, I mean it. The mainstream American media are as responsible as the Bush administration for the carnage and catastrophe of Iraq.) Max Boot: Ignorant Or Stupid?In a nearly incoherent column, in which he concludes that Abu Ghraib under Bush/Rumsfeld is less stressful than the Hanoi Hilton under Ho (now there's a high standard of comparison) Max Boot makes clear that he doesn't have a clue about ACLU:Army Pfc. Keith M. Maupin, 20, did not get an opportunity to file a petition with a judge asking that his captors provide good reasons for holding him. He did not get to complain to the Red Cross about the conditions in his cell. Nor, as far as we know, was he photographed in the buff, threatened with electrocution or menaced with guard dogs. Assuming the report is accurate, he was simply shot in the back of the head and tossed into a shallow grave.Max, my dear sir: The execution of Pfc Maupin, the capture of Cpl Hassoun are outrages. I will return to them in a moment, once I provide you with the beginnings of an introduction to a fantastic group you should know better. ACLU stands for AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union. As stated on their website: We work daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States. Our job is to conserve America’s original civic values - the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.Get it? ACLU focuses on making sure Americans (and others under American jurisprudence) are treated, in America, in accord with the American Constitution. Now, the last I heard, Iraq was not part of the United States. Nor were the Iraqi insurgents Americans operating under American jurisprudence (but you deserve one cheer: at least you didn't call them terrorists). Therefore ACLU's mission does not include civil rights abuses by Iraqi insurgents, as awful as they are. There are other groups that concentrate on that including Amnesty International, the UN, and the Red Cross. Meanwhile, ACLU has its hands full right here in the US of A. Max, everyone in the US is horrified by the beheadings, the kidnappings, the executions, the tortures, the maimings, the violence in Iraq, including the two soldiers you mention. Protesting Bush's disgraceful actions does not diminish one iota, let alone excuse, the atrocities committed by others, which are equally and often more sickening. But let's not forget, Max, that 39 prisoners have died in US custody. Some have even been photographed. So let's remember that Bush's behavior has led to the death of prisoners whose families and friends are as grief stricken as Pfc Maupin's. And let's not forget that many Islamist and Islamic groups around the world have spoken up: they are as horrified as you are at the atrocities committed in the name of Islam in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and also at the atrocities committed by Bush in the good name of the US. But we are not ruled by Iraqi insurgents, Max. We are governed by George W. Bush. It is his atrocities over which we can hopefully exercise some restraint by speaking out and protesting, partly because groups like the ACLU are hounding Bush, his minions, and his surrogates whenever they abuse this country's Constitution in his un-American crusade to shut us up. Get it, boyo? God, Mammon, And AlabamaLooks like the GOP's got some internal dissension down south. Not surprising what the rift is, but feelings are running high, so it just might be an exploitable weakness:Former Chief Justice Perry Hooper Sr. is one of the founders of the modern-day Republican Party in Alabama and has been a delegate to every Republican National Convention since 1960. But not this year.Let's hope so. Political Hate SpeechFrom Bush surrogate Jack Wheeler:The [Washington] Times officially jumped the shark this morning, running one of the most repugnant and ugly pieces of commentary we've seen any place other than a men's room wall. In an op-ed, Jack Wheeler, publisher of a website billed as "the oasis for rational conservatives," compares women readers waiting in line all over the country to get their copy of Bill Clinton's autobiography signed to "prostitutes waiting for their abusive pimp"; he takes a swipe at "Hanoi John" Kerry as someone who "looks like a cross between Herman Munster and Gomer Pyle"; and he asserts that, as part of a deal with her husband, "bisexual" Hillary Clinton gets to fool around with women, as well as "the occasional man like Vince Foster." Courtesy Atrios, who rightly says the WaTimes has been shark jumping for years and years and years. Wednesday, June 30, 2004Digby Strolls Down (Bad) Memory LaneOne more post I don't have to write. Read it all.Digby gets the whole miserable, awful, marketing of the stupid Bush/Iraq War exactly right. But unlike him, I didn't find it exciting for an instant, or being part of history. I was horrified and increasingly depressed, appalled that despite the palpable evidence that this country was, at best, deeply divided and at least as unwilling to invade Iraq as willing, no one in a position of responsibility was listening to the voices of reason. It was as if this country's government, its public intellectuals, and its media had gone stark raving mad. And they had. It was such a bizarre period that I find myself reaching for psychedelic metaphors in order to try to describe it. If I (we) are lucky, we will never see anything like it again. Open Letter To Nick KristofDear Nick,I'd be happy to stop calling Bush a liar when he stops lying. Love, Tristero The Iraqi Handover Changed Zip11 GI's wounded:Insurgents fired at least 10 mortar rounds at a U.S. base on the outskirts of Baghdad International Airport on Wednesday, wounding 11 soldiers, two of them seriously, and starting a fire that burned for well over an hour.853 US soldiers have died in the Bush/Iraq war, 715 since "Mission Accomplished." And in case you think the survivors get off easy, Almost a fifth of returning US troops may be suffering from PTSD. Surprise! Drug costs up after Medicare discounts startedFleecing the elderly, all taxpayers:Prices for medicines most used by older Americans rose steadily after the Bush administration enacted the new Medicare law late last year, the nation's largest group representing the elderly said Wednesday. One More Former US General Who Hates AmericaLooks like he's losin' everyone's confidence:Gen. McPeak, who headed the 1996 Dole-Kemp campaign in Oregon and served as a veteran for Bush in 2000, was just as incendiary. "Troops are paying the price for arrogance," he said. He also labeled the troops stationed in Iraq an "in between force" -- too small to do the job, but too large to be serviced by the existing military support structure. "The Administration has managed to create…a situation where we are both ineffective and overextended." He added, "From the beginning, this administration has been determined not only to pursue bad policy, but to be as unpleasant about it as possible." Asked about the possibility of a draft, the general said that the Bush administration needs to either "double the force," which would require conscription, or "get out" and appeal to allies to provide a large, stable troop presence in Iraq. McPeak says he is now a registered independent and a foreign policy advisor for John Kerry. Winner of The 2004 Maxwell Smart "Would You Believe...?" AwardIncredible:The Bush administration is offering a novel reason for denying a request seeking the Justice Department's database on foreign lobbyists: Copying the information would bring down the computer system. Liberal HawksWhat Digby says, exactly:There was never any truly compelling reason to take on Saddam at just that moment and it didn't take a genius (I'm certainly not one) to predict that Bush would make a hash out of it. I am tired of reading these mea culpas that are filled with invective toward those of us who were correct in our assessment of the motives and the competence of the administration. We weren't a bunch of starry eyed hippies sitting around singing kumbaya --- there was ample evidence and analysis that they simply chose to ignore.In a related post, Kevin Drum makes an important point. Let's not beat up on people who've seen the light, Kevin says, because, "We need all the allies we can get." Well, he's right, of course, but unfortunately, that's not the end of it. The fact of the matter is that Michael Ignatieff and the New Republic are still considered more authoritative voices than the people who got it right from the get go. We were all shrieking our heads off that invading Iraq was the stupidest move the US could make and no one listened to us. And y'know what Kevin? They're still not listening. Our mainstream discourse is all but monopolized by people who have been consistently wrong about the Bush administration. As for those of us who were right, who represents us to the greater public? The claim is that Michael Moore does, but really, he doesn't; it's just that there's no one else being given camera-time. Moore is a talented entertainer but there are genuine, legitimate voices (folks from Carnegie Endowment, Century Foundation, the old guard like Schlesinger or Anthony Lewis) who still can't get a regular hearing on CNN or nightly on the networks. It is an indication of how dangerously narrow our political discourse has become that Jessica T. Andrews is not a daily voice at one of the networks while Lou Dobbs is. Yes, let us welcome back our prodigal children to a cherished spot under the happy inclusive tent of liberalism. But at the same time, Kevin, let's make sure that those of us who were absolutely right the last time get listened to now because, by God, this country cannot afford another catastrophe like Iraq. In a reasonably healthy public discourse, it would be thought the height of stuipidity to continue to ignore what those of us who were right about Bush and Iraq all along have to say. George W. Bush, Deserter?Courtesy Dave Neiwert is a link to a paper by Paul Lukasiak who has carefully analyzed Bush's Air National Guard records. Here is the summary of what appears to be a very meticulous review of the documents (Dave vouches for the guy):An examination of the Bush military files within the context of US Statutory Law, Department of Defense regulations, and Air Force policies and procedures of that era lead to a single conclusion: George W. Bush was considered a deserter by the United States Air Force.And he claims to have found the "smoking gun:" For the eighteen months prior to his quitting the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG), George W. Bush had ignored his obligations to the US Military, statutory and regulatory US Law, and Air Force regulations and policies. And for as long as he was being “supervised” by TXANG, he got away with it.Methinks this should get picked up by a mainstream media outlet post-haste. Anyone wanna bet? Get The Picture, Boys And Girls?![]() Tuesday, June 29, 2004Thanks, Dana MillbankHe rounds up the sheer number of retracted WH memos:White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales assembled reporters in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building last week for what has become an administration ritual: disavowing the conclusions of official documents... Weekly Standard: Better The Shrub We HaveJoel Engel in The Weekly Standard::...a populace provoked by the left's constant fire-breathing may look for a dragon slayer who won't go quite so easily.I'm like soooooo shaking in my non-leather shoes that I almost dropped my skim latte. Bring it on, Joel, bring it on. Hat tip to TAPPED Betting Bill Bennett Has An EnablerHis name is Ralph "Sleazy" Reed:When Ralph Reed was the boyish director of the Christian Coalition, he made opposition to gambling a major plank in his "family values" agenda, calling gambling "a cancer on the American body politic" that was "stealing food from the mouths of children." But now, a broad federal investigation into lobbying abuses connected to gambling on Indian reservations has unearthed evidence that Reed has been surreptitiously working for an Indian tribe with a large casino it sought to protect--and that Reed was paid with funds laundered through two firms to try to keep his lucrative involvement secret. Reed has always operated behind the scenes, and apparently he didn't want to risk becoming a humbled hypocrite like his right-wing cohorts William Bennett and Rush Limbaugh.Courtesy LiberalOasis Cut And RunYesterday, on Air America Radio, Randy Rhodes observed that it was disgraceful that Paul Bremer would flee Iraq while a US Marine who had been kidnapped was being threatened by beheading. She was right.You can read all about it here, but beware the possible disinformation that the Marine may have gone awol. There's apparently little evidence he did other than a Lebanese background. The article begins with a video showing the possible killing of a different soldier. Also, you can read here about 3 more GI's killed in Iraq just in case you thought the farce yesterday meant anything in terms of stopping the violence. Monday, June 28, 2004Blogpost Headline Of The YearPremature IraqulationFCC LosesGuess Bush didn't pack the courts enough yet:The Federal Communications Commission was ordered by a U.S. appeals court to review its new rules that let companies such as News Corp. and Viacom Inc. buy more television stations and newspapers. Iraqi Handover ReportCut and run:The American-led military occupation of this restive land formally ended today 15 months after Saddam Hussein was swept from power, with Iraq's new leaders taking over in a surprise ceremony that came two days ahead of schedule. The early transfer was designed to foil attacks by guerrilla insurgents whom American forces are still struggling to vanquish.Thus ends George's and Dick's and Don's and Paul's and Richard's and Doug's excellent adventure. Not really, of course. Dr. Cole On Iraq Transfer And Bush PR StrategyJuan Cole's speculation seems plausible:It is hard to interpret this move as anything but a precipitous flight. It is just speculation on my part, but I suspect that the Americans must have developed intelligence that there might be a major strike on the Coalition Provisional Headquarters on Wednesday if a formal ceremony were held to mark a transfer of sovereignty. Since the US military is so weak in Iraq and appears to have poor intelligence on the guerrilla insurgency, the Bush administration could not take the chance that a major bombing or other attack would mar the ceremony...Oh, they will, Dr. Cole. It never fails. Dismissing MooreConfessore the Contrarian:Moore is also apparently of the view that showing a connection is enough to show causation. Thus we are treated to extensive descriptions of the links between the Bush family and the Saudis and between the Saudis and the terrorists they fund, with Moore suggesting that these links are one of the reasons Bush was so unresponsive to Osama bin Laden before 9/11.He's absolutely right, of course. But then, why does anyone think that when Bush or Cheney talk about "ties" betwixt Iraq and al Qaeda, they are worth taking seriously enough to discuss exactly what they mean? Vengeance, Thy Name Is BushSo, in retaliation for the legal release of Jack Ryan's divorce papers, Drudge reports - although he may not be reporting, but urging - that folks may consider (repeat, may consider) trying to do the same to John Kerry. If this is the case, I think, at the very least, Cheney should make his energy task force advisors public. If not, then it's around time that all Bush's army records come out including all the reasons for his suspension; the full history of his arrest for drunkeness, the rumors of his girlfriend's abortion need to be resolved, and the rumors of his abuse of cocaine should also be put to rest. Similar investigations should also be launched into how Cheney avoided the draft. Ditto Wolfowitz, Limbaugh and Perle. For starters.Niger/Iraq Uranium Deal UpdateHmmm...European intelligence officers have now revealed that three years before the fake documents became public, human and electronic intelligence sources from a number of countries picked up repeated discussion of an illicit trade in uranium from Niger. One of the customers discussed by the traders was Iraq.Now, Josh Marshall defers discussion of this stuff 'til later, but he says the other part of the story, that the known yellowcake document forgeries were concocted by a sleazy Italian businessman, does not pan out. Anyway, I'll be curious to see if this other intelligence gets any attention and whether it's legit. Even before the war, most (sane) people assumed that Saddam had no nuclear weapons program. That he might try to acquire stuff was certainly conceivable, but if this new stuff really had legs, one would assume that it would have come up publicly long before now. We'll see. News From IstanbulBob Harris over at This Modern World rounds up all sorts of interesting facts, such as Istanbul, a city of 10 million people, was so closed down by Bush's visit that he turned the city "literally...into an open-air prison. There are snipers posted on the next building to our hotel, constant military helicopters buzzing around, and naval craft cruising offshore. If only for sacrificing three days of their life for Bush's secure comfort, people here are furious."And there's some other Turkey news Bob reports, like the large demos, protests, and explosions that mark Bush's visit. Political Hate SpeechMichael Moore Is Leni Riefenstahl. Thus spake the Wall Street Journal today. Subscription required. To say the least, someone at the WSJ needs new eyeglasses.Al Gore Speech Of May 26, 2004As the Bush administration attempts to cut and run from its responsibilities in the prison torture scandals, and goes through the pretense of handing over Iraq to a thug prepared to reactivate many of the personnel involved with the oppression controlled by Saddam Hussein, it may cheer the spirit a bit for you to see Al Gore's brilliant May 26, 2004 address at NYU. You can see excerpts or order a dvd of the complete speech (for $5!) here. It will remind you what political discourse can and should sound like in this country. One of the great texts of this time:In December of 2000, even though I strongly disagreed with the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to order a halt to the counting of legally cast ballots, I saw it as my duty to reaffirm my own strong belief that we are a nation of laws and not only accept the decision, but do what I could to prevent efforts to delegitimize George Bush as he took the oath of office as president. |